News and commentary on Religion, especially Southern religion.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Molested in a counseling session

No, Austrian Arch-abbot Bruno Becker did not spontaneously come forward, admit to abusing a 12-year-old once, four decades ago and resign out of contrition.

Becker was first confronted. There was, the victim says, an attempt to bribe him into silence.

Two other clergy were apparently involved and the well-know pattern of predator behavior is evident:

The two padres - one of whom has left the Church, while the other has died - were arrested in Morocco in 2005 on sex tourism charges, according to Salzburg prosecutors. An Austrian court found one of them guilty of abusing underage Moroccan boys, they said.

Becker's abuse was particularly heinous because it occurred as part of a conversation whose declared purpose, available accounts indicate, was to help the victim deal with previous abuse.

To wit, Catholic Culture reports:

Archabbot George Becker of St. Peter’s Archabbey in Salzburg was 24 years old and not yet ordained a priest when he found out that two monks had abused a boy. The future archabbot then conversed with the boy and molested him.

Yet the Catholic Church continues to insist that it can handle those matters itself and is "doing all it can," The Irish Times reports, to ensure these things "will never happen again."

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