News and commentary on Religion, especially Southern religion.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Learning to love Rick Warren

Saturday at the annual conference of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Pastor Rick Warren tried to deflect criticism by emphasizing the need for Americans in general to find common ground.

Implying that the media were somehow the cause of the controversy that has erupted around him since he was asked to read the invocation at President-Elect Barack Obama's inauguration, Warren said:

Let me just get this over very quickly. I love Muslims. And for the media's purpose, I happen to love gays and straights.

Wrong, as Juan Cole indicated in his blog about the same gathering:

Warren will read the invocation at President-Elect Barack Obama's inauguration, a choice that angered the gay community. Warren supported Proposition 8, which banned gay marriage (and forcibly divorced or 'de-married' 18,000 gay couples already married in California). Warren also has compared legalizing gay marriage to legalizing incest, pedophilia and polygamy.

Of course Prop. 8's fate is in the hands of the California Supreme Court and Warren, it seems, is very much a man in process.

Warren, for all of his bigotry, still supports something like civil unions for gay couples, and even won over Cole, who wrote:

I came away liking and looking up to Warren. In fact, I wonder whether with some work he could not be gotten to back off some of the hurtful things he has said about gays and rethink his support for Proposition 8.

Cole's detailed account, here, suggests there may be a lot more peace to be made among us. All of us.

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