News and commentary on Religion, especially Southern religion.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Pope's revised (not corrected) condom remarks

Commonweal tells us the Vatican has brought the written record of the Popes comments on condoms back into line with events.

It did so after spawning an international uproar over the original post-facto editing of the Papal words. The Pope told reporters that distribution of condoms to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic "even aggravates the problems.” The Vatican published an official record which said condoms merely “risked” aggravating the problem.

The rollback to "aggravates" does not nullify The Lancet's suggestion that "the Vatican’s attempts to tweak the Pope’s words, further tampering with the truth, is not the way forward." It underlines the Vatican's credibility problem.

Surviving ink-stained wretches, creatures of newspaper newsrooms, know corrections must be published with attendant apologies, not circumvented. The Vatican has merely made another "tweak," lacking acknowledgment of and repentance for the original error. We all know that if we sweep enough things under the rug, our audience's faith in our integrity will go there as well.

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