News and commentary on Religion, especially Southern religion.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stifle dissent = lose power

History's lesson about stifling dissent, from John Adams' loss of the presidency amid backlash from his Alien and Sedition Acts to current ecclesiastical conflicts, is the same writes Wade Burleson:

One of these days men and women with power, whether it be ecclesiastical, political or corporate will learn that attempts to stifle dissent and criticism will only ultimately result in the people you lead turning against you.

In the comments, First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Fla., Watchdog compares the "sedition" part Adams' Alien and Sedition Acts to a passage from the FBC Jax deacon's resolution, which was directed at him in a "public flogging of a former member."

You may recall that Watchdog aggressively blogged FBC Jax's policies and repressive governance, especially the pastor's accumulation of power. After a period of self-muzzled silence, Thursday brought new Watchdog coverage of the drive to strip him of his anonymity and silence him.

We look to Adams' extinct Federalist Party for the price of repressive governance. The Federalists did much good but embodied sweeping distrust of and intolerance for dissenting views.

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