News and commentary on Religion, especially Southern religion.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Hate crime basics for the fearful

What must I do to be prosecuted under the hate crime law after Obama signs the recently passed legislation?

The Q&A document [.pdf] developed by Third Way answers clearly by way of dealing with the most pervasive myth about the legislation:

Could a pastor be prosecuted for preaching that homosexuality is an abomination, or saying that gay people will go to hell?
No. Unless a person actually causes 'bodily injury,' or attempts to cause bodily injury by using a gun, bomb or dangerous weapons, they cannot be prosecuted under the proposed hate crimes bill. This bill is not about thinking or believing, but doing and harming. In fact, sine 1968 when a parallel federal hate crimes bill was passed, there has not been a single successful prosecution based on speech. There have also been none in the 45 states that have hate crimes laws.

The entire .pdf is worth downloading and reading. Just for the sake of clarity.


  1. "David Letterman's Hate, etc." was spotted on Google. Is he exempt?

  2. Irving S., it would be easier to answer if you gave a bit more detail. Since you're referring to speech, however, and the new chunk of law has nothing to do with speech as such, the new law has no impact on his performance behavior.


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