News and commentary on Religion, especially Southern religion.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Save the Children: The Ethiopian Food Crisis


The failure of crops and the loss of pasture for livestock is sufficiently widespread that, according to BBC, 6.2 million Ethiopians - one million of whom are children under the age of five - are expected to need emergency food aid between now and the end of the year.

In the photo above:

Thomas, 1, has his arm circumference measured at Tulla Health Center in Southern Ethiopia. His mother has brought him to Save the Children's clinic to be tested for severe malnutrition.

oxfam_ethiopia_malnourished_226grEthiopia faces food crisis because of prolonged drought. It comes 25 years after the world rallied to help country when about one million people died from famine.

The international aid group Oxfam argues "the humanitarian response to drought and other disasters is still dominated by 'Band-Aids,' " when it can and should also help Ethiopians break out of the cycle of famine by developing local food sources.

According to the Associated Press:

In a report marking 25 years since Ethiopia's famine, Oxfam said countries must focus on preparing communities to prevent and deal with drought and other disasters before they strike, rather than relying on importing aid.

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