News and commentary on Religion, especially Southern religion.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

No twitter- or site-links for the twitter-Bible?


Christian Post tells us “And God Decided to Chill,” is a "twitter Bible" without linking to the German-language [German][English translation] where it originated.

And without linking to any of the still-available-online tweets [German][English translation] from which the on-paper book was created.

Had Michelle A. Vu's story been published exclusively on paper, there would have been less with which to quarrel:

Formally named "And God Decided to Chill," the German language book is the compilation of tweets by more than 3,000 German Christians who participated in the church project earlier this year.
In honor of the Pentecost holiday, German Christians used the micro-blogging service Twitter to summarize 3,906 Bible sections into 140 character messages, according to Berlin-based newspaper “The Local.” Though the project was scheduled for May 20-30, it was completed 37 hours ahead of schedule and achieved a world record.

Going to an April story at Vu's also unlinked-to source, Ecumenical News International, we learn how the date of the effort was chosen and that it was a complex, carefully planned undertaking:

The project aims to publish the Bible in a shortened, micro-blog form on 24 May, the final day of the once-every-two years German Protestant Convention known as the Kirchentag, which attracts tens of thousands of participants as well as political leaders from Germany and beyond.
Theologians are busy dividing the Bible into 3000 sections that will need to be summarised as tweets. Volunteers will then distribute flyers to the expected tens of thousands of Kirchentag visitors listing the Bible verses to be tweeted.

About that world record - what world record? One is claimed but never explained in the stories we unearthed.

Well, hope this helps.

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