News and commentary on Religion, especially Southern religion.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Bishop Williamson the unrepetant radical rightist

Holocaust-denying Bishop Richard Williamson's disingenuous apology was well-rejected by the Vatican. It is unclear whether the Society of St Pius X can withstand careful scrutiny today, but Williamson is a creature of the radical, racist right. The London Times' Damian Thompson writes:

Trawling through Williamson's sermons is a sad experience. There's an intense piety there, powerful faith, but it's poisoned by anger, hatred and an all-consuming paranoia. This troubled man has links to the political Far Right, and has written about Hitler "liberating" Germany from the control of Jewish money.

Even more bizarre than his frequently expressed view that the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks were not carried out by terrorists, all of those assertions were in public view well before his excommunication was lifted.

We need not play that reprehensible game, "Kick the Pope," to wonder where this is going and exactly why Pope Benedict XVI put matters on this path, making the radical right more bold and the Catholic Church's position of moral authority less powerful.

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